The Cabaret Company Code of Conduct outlines the values and principles which this company will hold itself to in all our business and individual interactions. Our commitment to these standards helps us connect with incredible artists, build great shows, and build loyal, expanding audiences. Respect for and the well being of the artists, venues, staff, audience is key to fostering a growing, sustainable culture for live performance, which allows us to participate in an incredible community. The core of The Cabaret Company is to create polished productions that showcases both the performers and the venue which we are engaged with, to introduce the greater community to new, unexpected, inspirational live performance. Accessibility, diversity, safety, and growth opportunities are foundational to the culture we create at every event we produce.

If you have questions or think that either in the word of this Code or in the action of The Cabaret Company members or associated groups or individuals may be falling short of our commitment, we want to know. All comments and questions are confidential, they will not affect future opportunities with The Cabaret Company.

The Cabaret Company considers any harassment, aggression, intimidation, shaming, othering or other abuse as defined below, that may lead to physical, emotional, or mental distress to a patron, venue staff, performer, or any person attending as unacceptable. We hold zero tolerance for homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, islamophobia, ageism, ableism, bullying, or any other basis which discriminates against any any equity deserving group or particular person. We do not accept the attendance of persons who have shown these aggressions to our events to limits we control.

Physical, Mental, Emotional Abuse

The Cabaret Company understands abuse as any act taken by a party that results in any form of non-accidental physical harm, prolonged emotional distress, or mental infliction upon another person(s). Any forms of abuse will not be tolerated at any event hosted by The Cabaret Company. This statement consists of, but is not limited to: touching a person(s) without permission, using objects to touch a person(s) without permission, physically intimidating postures and body language, throwing objects, damaging objects and property, written or spoken words of abuse including threats or insults, extending to online abuses or stalking.

Verbal Abuse

Verbal abuse is the use of words or statements to attack, defame, or speak falsely to or of an individual. Verbal abuse and bullying can consist of, but is not limited to: name calling, threats, criticizing and/or judging, unwarranted verbal attack on any person(s) that may cause psychological harm to their mental, emotional, or physical well being.

Sexual Harassment

The Cabaret Company understands sexual harassment as any conduct, written or spoken, gestures, or contact of a sexual nature that causes offence, harm, or humiliation to any individual. This includes, but is not limited to: unnecessary touching without permission, threats of a sexual nature or form of sexual assault, unwelcome sexual invitations or requests, demands of sexual favors, verbal abuse of a sexual nature, any non-consensual sexual or sexually intended act in person, online, or otherwise.

Consequences of Violating this Code

The Cabaret Company reserves the right to refuse entry to or remove any party from an event at any time for any reason. We expect all contracted artists, producing partners, and Board members to understand and follow the Code of Conduct in relation to all activities regarding any The Cabaret Company contracts, events and public appearances associated or related to our brand or any of our productions. Failure to do so can result in the termination of contracts. Moreover, while the Code is specifically written for artists contracted by The Cabaret Company and Board members, we expect those associated with venues we work with, including staff and owners, to follow the Code in connection with their work with us. If any incident arises between you and a venue that The Cabaret Company is partnered with, please inform us immediately so we can respond. Failure to follow the Code can result in a meeting to discuss any and all incidents, and may result in the termination of the relationship. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. All determinations are at the discretion of The Cabaret Company Board. If a board member is found to be in breach of the Code of Conduct, a third party mediator may be engaged to ensure safety for all persons.

If you are being harmed, notice that someone else is being harmed, or are asked to report harm on behalf of another, or any other concerns, please notify a Board member immediately. If an incident has already occurred, please contact when you are safe to do so. For the purpose of protecting survivors of abuse, we respect requests for confidentiality.

We encourage all participants of our events to practice asserting their boundaries, responsibly manage their recreational consumption, and look out for their fellow participants in any role.

This Code of Conduct has been developed as a guide to approaching and managing most situations in which we are engaged in or related to. This is a working document which is intended to be revisited and updated with further education, company and community developments.

Last updated June 2024